Teaching Music Tomorrow

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The Teaching Music Tomorrow Podcast: Sound Pedagogy to Try NOW.

Not sure what to teach in your elementary music classroom?

Are you looking for new ideas, but having trouble finding inspiration for activities you can drag and drop tomorrow?

Anne and Victoria have you covered. Listen on your way to school and get the ideas you need for active music making in your classroom today… or tomorrow!

FREE Instrument Resource

Click the “sign up” button below to access five episodes of The Teaching Music Tomorrow Podcast all about Instruments in the Music Classroom. We’ve loaded each episode with exclusive show notes & notation, and a exclusive BONUS episode all about classroom management & instruments. We can’t wait to hear what you think! -Anne & Victoria

(Psst!! By signing up for access to these bonus resources, you’re agreeing to receive future email communication from Anne & Victoria. We promise to only send the types of emails that we would want to receive.)

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Watch the Latest Episode from Anne & Victoria Below!

Moving in Open Space

We’re back for another season of Teaching Music Tomorrow! Today, Anne and Victoria are talking all about open space, and how to scaffold the opportunity to move independently in the elementary music classroom.

Anne shares how she begins in self-space with the song Allie Galloo, and how she scaffolds allowing kindergarten students to move to a new “spot” to explore non locomotor movement in new locations and shared space. She also shares how she sequences Mouse Mousie for students to be successful moving in open space.

Victoria shares how she uses Ickle Ockle as an opportunity for students to not only practice musical concepts and skills, but also practice movement skills. She discusses ways for students to visualize “swimming” through open space to stay safe.

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For Classroom Management and Instruments
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